Thursday, January 04, 2007

Bauer Power Hour Pre-Show

The first podcast of my life and of the 24 seaons....

I am a very recent convert to 24-ism and have spent the last 4 months or so trying to catch up on seasons 1-5. I couldn’t be more excited about starting this season out

Basically the premise of this podcast is to re-cap and respond to each episode of the awesome FOX drama 24. I will sum up what happened so if you haven’t watched the most recent episode, I recommend holding off listening to me until you have. I know when people ruin stuff for me I want to punch them, and I don’t want any of you out there secretly wanting to punch me. Also, I will put in my two cents.

SO. Jack has been captured by the Chinese after a lingering kiss from his loooooooover, because they still have a huge chip on their shoulder about the whole “storming the consulate” thing and the resultant death of their consul which WASN’T EVEN JACK’S FAULT!! Anyway, they’ve taken him away and beaten him up and he hasn’t looked too good in the previews I’ve seen.

I’m a little nervous just because 24 always finds a way to make me pee myself. Also everyone’s been all relaxed and groovy since Kiefer has supposedly signed on for 3 more seasons… But I have a theory that maybe they’re just trying to lull us into a false sense of security and they’re LYING TO US! I just don’t want to be too caught off guard by anything, even though I know that it is an inevitability.

There are some things we know for sure this season, on the other hand… I won’t go too deeply into them just in case you don’t want to hear it


1. Wayne Palmer is now the President of the United States—innnnnnnnnnteresting…. Hope he’s good and has integrity like his brother. RIP!
2. More with the Palmer clan
3. Milo Returns!
4. Jack’s Daddy-o comes out to play

As the season starts up I’m going to start keeping an assortment of entertaining lists which will detail these things after each episode

Whom I’d most like to Punch in the Face
Best Line (One that makes you go yeahhhhhhhhhhhh boiiiiiiiiiiii!)
Worst Line (One that makes you go BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
Kill Count
How Many Time Jack Says Damn It! Or SOB!!

At the end of the season we will be able to see the final tallies and also the compilations of all these fun things.

All of these podcasts will be transcribed at You can leave me a comment there or leave me a message at 206-202-0956. I would love to hear from you!

I can’t wait to start our wonderful 24 hour journey together, and no matter how hokey that sentence just was, I know you’re excited too. Heheeeee!

See you after January 14 and 15--the 2 day 4 hour premiere of 24

1 comment:

NHL2005 said...

Hey, I'm looking forward to your podcast. Sounds like you've got some great ideas. I only have one suggestion, can you please improve your audio/sound quality. The volume goes really high sometimes, when you get enthusiastic. But don't get rid of your enthusiasm, just try to fix the audio if you can.

